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Which Cosmetic Injectable Will Have Me Ready for Date Night?

Posted September 01, 2022 in BOTOX® Cosmetic, Injectable Fillers

3 Minute Read: 

Whether you are preparing for a special event, a big date, an office presentation, or a reunion of some sort, there are many instances where you feel like your face could use a little boost. 

Woman receiving a cosmetic injectable.

Whether it’s fine lines around your lips, pesky crow’s feet, frown lines, a double chin, or the overall loss of facial volume, each cosmetic flaw has its own remedy, and the timelines can differ. 

For this reason, a little knowledge and planning on your part is the answer to being ready for the big day (or night).

Choosing the Right Injectable to Treat Your Facial Concerns

Depending on your goals, you’ll want cosmetic injectables that treat specific issues. 

You may only need one injectable, or you may be better suited with a combination of neuromodulators and dermal fillers

An in-depth cosmetic consultation is the best way to get the results you desire, but going in with some understanding of how injectables work will give you an advantage.

BOTOX® Cosmetic – A Neuromodulator

  • Smoothing crow’s feet – Crow’s feet is the name given to the small dynamic wrinkles that radiate from the outer corners of the eyes. These wrinkles are often the first visible signs of aging and progress as the body loses its supply of collagen and elastin. 
  • Reducing frown and forehead lines – Frown lines (between the eyebrows) and deep forehead lines are other examples of dynamic wrinkles, which develop due to muscle contractions caused by facial expressions like squinting or frowning. 

BOTOX® Cosmetic, a neuromodulator, is the most effective option for these issues. BOTOX® Cosmetic relaxes these facial muscles so that they cannot contract and form the related lines and wrinkles. 

BOTOX® Cosmetic recovery timeline – While you may see immediate changes, the final results may take up to a week to be fully visible.

JUVÉDERM® – A Dermal Filler 

While BOTOX® Cosmetic works wonders on dynamic lines, dermal fillers like JUVÉDERM® work well to diminish static wrinkles caused by time, gravity, sun damage, and shrinking amounts of collagen and elastin.

This treatment can help with:diagram of facial concerns that Juvederm can treat.

JUVÉDERM® recovery timeline – JUVÉDERM® products provide immediate results, but some swelling and bruising may occur, which can take up to a week to subside.


Submental fat is the fat that resides under the chin and is almost impossible to get rid of with diet and exercise. KYBELLA® has been around for decades and is a reliable injectable that can permanently smooth and recontour the jawline. 

This injectable treatment actually destroys unwanted fat cells to reduce the appearance of the pesky double chin.

KYBELLA® recovery timeline – You can expect some bruising, numbness, redness, and discomfort for a few days after your procedure. Give yourself a week to ensure that you are ready to show your new chin off.

Cosmetic Injectables in Reno, NV

Dr. Louis Bonaldi is a board-certified plastic surgeon offering non-surgical cosmetic treatments at his Reno, Nevada, practice. 

Call our office today at (775) 238-3051 to be ready for that important date coming up soon!