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Getting Rid of the Jiggle

Posted October 12, 2017 in Arm Lift

Armpit epilation, lacer hair removalThe upper arms are often one of the most difficult areas to tone, especially as we age. Excess skin and fat in this area are usually immune to exercise, and many people have arms that sag, droop, and yes, even jiggle. This flabbiness can occur with anyone, and many women find that this extra skin and fat distract from their otherwise slim and trim figures. If this sounds like you, there is no reason to hide behind those long-sleeved shirts and sweaters anymore.

What Causes Upper Arm Jiggle?

Age, weight fluctuations, and heredity all play a part in the appearance of your arms. As we age, our skin loses its elasticity, not allowing it to bounce back the way it once did. Many women find that their triceps lose their toned look after their children have grown up and they are no longer lifting them. While strength exercises such as pushups or weight training may help with toning, they are not always enough to target the excess fat in the upper arm region.

Arm Lift Surgery

Arm lift surgery, also known as brachioplasty, surgically removes excess sagging and drooping skin, reduces pockets of fat from the triceps, and tightens the underlying tissue in the upper arms, leaving you with a sculpted and tight contour.


  • Ideal for people with skin laxity and larger amounts of excess fat
  • Long-lasting results


  • Scar running from underarm to elbow
  • Recovery period
  • Surgical risks such as anesthesia, bruising, swelling, infection

BTL EXILIS™ Treatment

BTL EXILIS™ is a relatively new, non-surgical way to reduce fat and tighten skin on many parts of the body, including the arms. This treatment uses radiofrequency and ultrasound energy to deliver controlled heating and cooling to various tissue depths without pain. The heat dissolves fat cells and tightens skin without the need for surgery.


  • No downtime
  • Short treatments (15 to 30 minutes)
  • Perfect for fine-tuning areas of the body
  • Minimal to no discomfort


  • Most patients need two to four sessions
  • Not recommended for those who have large amounts of fat or excess skin

If you are interested in ditching those long-sleeved shirts and showing off your newly toned arms, set up a consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Bonaldi, today. Call us at (775) 828-7400 or fill out our online contact form.