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Breast Augmentation Recovery: What You Need to Know

Posted July 19, 2019 in Breast Augmentation, Breast Augmentation Recovery

Many women choose breast augmentation surgery, or a ‘boob job’ for many reasons: breast asymmetry, a desire for more shapely breasts, or the desire for a larger chest. No matter the reason behind the decision, Dr. Bonaldi takes time to explain to his patients every facet of the procedure. While breast augmentation surgery poses many questions for the patient, the most common is this: what is the recovery like, and what can I expect?

While concerns about the recovery period following a surgery are common, the good news is that breast augmentation has a fairly straightforward recovery, with only temporary discomfort for most patients. Thus, we’ve compiled a list of this particular procedure’s recovery and can explain what you may be surprised to find out.

  1. The pain is mild. That’s right, the pain for most patients is described as “mild” when coupled with the correct aftercare. As every patient is different, Dr. Bonaldi takes the time to have an individualized approach with every breast augmentation, and can explain what to expect on a one-to-one, patient-by-patient basis.
  2. Sleep is your new best friend. Similarly, with most surgical procedures, a nice, long, uninterrupted nap can work wonders on the body immediately after the produce. The surgery can be taxing on the body, so be sure to have a ride home from the office and a nice bed waiting for you!
  3. Bruising is normal. Bruises can develop after the procedure, and the skin may feel tight. The body needs time to adjust to the new mass inside the breasts, and this response is normal.
  4. Scars are discrete. While patients can have lasting scarring after a breast augmentation, incisions are placed in areas that Dr. Bonaldi recommends as being the least visible. Additionally, periareolar or inframammary incisions result in scars that are only slightly visible as the patient heals.
  5. Medication can help. In almost every case, Dr. Bonaldi prescribes oral medication to treat any pain associated with the surgery in the days and weeks following surgery. While many patients only experience some pain, this additional measure can provide comfort post- surgery.
  6. Your breasts will feel different. While some patients report sensitivity directly after the procedure, many also experience a temporary loss of feeling in the breasts and nipples following surgery. Both responses are normal, but it’s always a good idea to check-in with your doctor to discuss these matters both before and after the procedure.
  7. You’re not out of the game for long. While every patient is different, most patients continue their normal activities (apart from vigorous activity) within one week of the procedure. That means that even while a patient may need to slow down to heal properly, it doesn’t mean the patient must be bed-ridden for weeks. However, it should be noted that activities that include heavier lifting or throwing should be avoided for about two to three weeks following surgery.
  8. You’ll get a special bra. Dr. Bonaldi will provide a specific bra that aids in the speedy and healthy recovery of a patient’s breast augmentation surgery. This special bra should be worn day and night (with the exception of bathing) for the first few weeks and will help ensure that the recovery period goes smoothly.
  9. Your breasts may remain sensitive. In many cases, patients experience a heightened sensitivity in their breasts for weeks or even months after the surgery.

Have more questions? Don’t hesitate to book your consultation soon.