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Plastic Surgery Procedures in Reno

Face Procedures

Middle aged female model admiring here smooth skin in the mirror


Facelift surgery, or rhytidectomy, works to eliminate aging and sun damage in the face and neck, such as wrinkles, fine lines, and deep creases. Natural aging and sun damage are the leading causes of skin imperfections. Even with proper skin care, it can be impossible to prevent aging signs completely. Candidates of facelift surgery can be as young as 40 years old and have visible signs of aging. A facelift restores smoother skin and a younger facial appearance by tightening underlying tissue and muscles. This procedure is often performed using intravenous sedation or general anesthesia.

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Sideview of a female model looking over her thin bare shoulder

Facial Fat Grafting (Lipofilling)

In addition to wrinkles and fine lines, loss of fat and volume in the face can lead to an aged appearance. A facelift works toward improving the skin’s laxity but is unable to create more volume. Facial fat grafting, or lipofilling, works to correct volume loss by transferring fat from one part of the body into the face. Lipofilling creates a younger-looking appearance by improving the facial volume, and can even soften the appearance of acne and trauma scarring. This procedure requires a short recovery time and is often performed using a local anesthetic.

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sideview of a woman holding her chin up with her finger

Neck Lift Surgery

Visible signs of aging can be frustrating, especially when they are difficult to conceal. Loose skin and excess fat in the neck can be impossible to remove even with proper diet and exercise. Neck lift surgery improves visible signs of aging by trimming excess skin and fat from the neck. This surgery provides patients with smoother neck skin, reduced neck fat, and a more contoured jawline, improving the patient’s overall self-confidence by creating a more youthful appearance. Neck lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia and is often combined with facelift surgery for optimal results.

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Sideview of a female model looking over her shoulder

Brow Lift

Facial expressions are often an easy way to let others know how we feel without directly having to say it. Low, sagging brows can give the appearance of anger or sadness. Brow lift surgery, also known as a forehead lift, works to reposition the eyebrows higher onto the patient’s face so that they can show their true emotions. This surgery can also help smooth forehead wrinkles, creating a dramatically more youthful appearance. Benefits of a brow lift include smoother skin, improved facial expressions, and enhanced confidence. Small incisions are made along the hairline so that scars can be easily concealed—most brow lift surgeries are performed with the assistance of an endoscope.

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Woman laying her head in her arms while lying on a wooden floor

Eyelid Lift

The eyes are a central aspect of the face, and often the first feature that people notice. Natural aging can cause fine lines, wrinkles, and puffiness around the eyes. An eyelid lift (blepharoplasty) works to eliminate visible signs of aging by repositioning fatty tissue and tightening excess skin from the eyelids. A consultation with Dr. Bonaldi can help you determine if you can benefit from upper eyelid surgery, lower eyelid surgery, or both. This surgery is performed using a local anesthetic, but general anesthesia can be used if needed. Eyelid lift surgery can help correct puffy lower eyelids, tired and aged eyes, and upper eyelid hooding.

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A common complaint that many individuals have regarding their appearance is the size and shape of their nose. The nose is a central aspect of the face; it can be hard to feel confident if you are unhappy with the appearance of your nose. Rhinoplasty (nose surgery) works to improve the appearance of the nose by reshaping the cartilage, nasal bone, and tissues. This surgery can help patients achieve their ideal cosmetic look and improve their overall self-confidence. Aside from an improved appearance, rhinoplasty can help improve a patient’s breathing. No matter the reason for your rhinoplasty, Dr. Bonaldi will work to help you achieve your goals. Rhinoplasty surgery can take anywhere from one to three hours and is performed under general anesthesia.

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Breast Procedures

Mid body shot of a woman in a white bikini top and voluptuous chest

Breast Augmentation

Many women desire full, voluptuous breasts that can only be achieved through breast augmentation surgery. Breast augmentation can provide women with the confidence and breasts they have always dreamed of. This surgery can benefit those with small, deflated, or post-pregnancy breasts. Before undergoing surgery, you are given the option between saline and silicone implants. Silicone implants best resemble natural breast tissue to provide you with results that look natural and are complimentary to your body. Breast augmentation is performed under general anesthesia to ensure your comfort.

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Upper body of a woman with a perky chest

Breast Lift

Over time, breasts can begin to lose their shape, causing them to sag. In addition to natural aging, pregnancy can also be a reason breasts lose their youthful appearance. Breast lift surgery works to lift the breasts by repositioning the breast tissue higher onto the chest and tightening the skin. This procedure is often performed in conjunction with breast augmentation or breast reduction, using general anesthesia to ensure your comfort. Breast lift surgery can correct post-pregnancy breasts, sagging breasts following weight loss, and aging breasts. Whatever the reason is for surgery, you deserve to have youthful, perky breasts that you can feel confident about.

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Female model in black lingerie laying on a bed

Breast Implant Removal

Some women who have undergone breast augmentation surgery may not be fully satisfied with their results. Alternatively, breast implants may need to be removed or replaced after several years. Breast implant removal surgery removes breast implants to help women achieve their health or cosmetic goals. A standalone removal is performed for women who no longer wish to have breast implants; although, many women choose to replace their implants after removal. No matter your reasons for breast implant removal, there are many options to help you achieve your ideal look.

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Mid body shot of a thin woman in white under garments

Breast Reduction

Many women feel that their natural breasts are too large. Overly large breasts can be painful and inconvenient. Breast reduction surgery removes excess fat and tissue from the breasts to reduce them to a more comfortable size. Overly large breasts are heavy and can put significant weight on a woman’s back and shoulders. This can cause chronic pain that makes normal activities uncomfortable. A breast reduction can help patients feel more confident in clothing and relieve them of the pain they experience daily.

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Mid body shot of a woman in a bikini top laying back on a boulder

Breast Reconstruction

Congenital disabilities or physical trauma can result in the disfigurement of the breasts. Many women who have undergone a mastectomy or lumpectomy notice that their breasts do not look how they used to. Breast reconstruction works to improve the appearance of breasts and help restore a woman’s feminine physique. During your consultation, Dr. Bonaldi will determine the best procedural approach to provide you with results that achieve your cosmetic goals. This surgery is performed using general anesthesia to ensure your comfort.

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Mid body shot of a man with sculpted abs and chest

Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia is a condition where males develop excess fat or glandular breast tissue in their chest. Gynecomastia is often the result of a hormonal imbalance, such as the excess of estrogen, or a side effect of a certain medication. This fat and breast tissue are often impossible to eliminate with proper diet and exercise. Gynecomastia surgery, or male breast reduction surgery, removes excess fat from the chest to provide patients with a sculpted appearance, masculine contours, and improved self-confidence. Dr. Bonaldi understands that the appearance of breasts on a male can be frustrating. He will work to provide you with a body you can feel confident in.

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Body Procedures

Body of a female model in a white bikini leaning over a boulder with the ocean behind her

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

Stubborn-to-remove fat can be frustrating, especially when you feel that you are doing everything right. Unfortunately, some fat can be impossible to remove with proper diet and exercise alone. Tummy tuck surgery works to eliminate excess fat and skin from the abdominal area and provide patients with a firmer, more toned abdominal contour. It is important to know that tummy tuck surgery is not an alternative for weight loss; you should be at your ideal weight before undergoing surgery. Tummy tuck surgery is performed under general anesthesia to ensure your comfort.

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Full body shot of a thin woman in a white tank top and underwear


Stubborn fat deposits can get in the way of you achieving your ideal body. Even with proper diet and exercise, there is still fat that can be impossible to remove without surgery. Excess fat can significantly harm a person’s self-confidence. Liposuction surgery can remove fatty deposits from the abdomen, hips, thighs, breasts, back, and neck to provide patients with a slimmer, more toned appearance. Liposuction results in minimal scarring that is often in concealed areas. Surgery will be performed under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation to ensure that you feel no pain.

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Thin woman in a white bikini and sunglasses laying on the sands of a beach

Thigh Lift

Natural aging, weight loss, and pregnancy are all factors that can contribute to loose skin on the thighs. Loose skin can cause physical and emotional discomfort. Thigh lift surgery works to reshape the thighs by removing sagging skin and excess fat pockets to provide men and women with a thinner upper leg appearance. In some cases, liposuction may be needed to remove additional fat. This surgery is performed using general anesthesia to ensure your comfort. To obtain optimal results, it is important to maintain a healthy and stable weight after surgery.

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Back view of a woman with sculpted arms with her hands over her head

Brachioplasty (Arm Lift)

Natural aging and weight loss can cause arm skin and fat to sag, resulting in an uncomfortable and embarrassing “batwing” flap. An arm lift (brachioplasty) tightens skin and removes excess fat from the triceps to create a thin, toned arm. An arm lift can restructure arm tissues, remove excess fat, and eliminate loose skin. This surgery works to improve the patient’s overall self-confidence by creating a thin, more youthful appearance. This surgery is performed under general anesthesia to ensure your comfort. In some cases, liposuction may be necessary to remove all fat deposits from the arm.

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A woman in a white transparent gown with a visible bikini underneath as she enjoys the beach

Post-Massive Weight Loss

Losing a significant amount of weight can help individuals feel healthier and more confident. However, massive weight loss can result in large folds of excess skin. Post-massive weight loss surgery can remove the excess skin and fat deposits left on the body after extreme weight loss. Losing a significant amount of weight is a great accomplishment. You should be able to feel confident in your new body without having to worry about excess sagging skin. Post-massive weight loss surgery can help patients achieve a flatter abdomen, a sculpted waist, slimmer arms, firmer breasts, and a defined face.

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