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The Postpartum Breast Lift Guide

Posted August 14, 2020 in Breast Lift

3 Minute Read: 

Women give everything they have to their children. Often, this includes their body. After the bodily changes of pregnancy and breastfeeding, many women are left with sagging, drooping breasts. This dramatic change in your appearance can negatively impact your self-confidence and sexual health. Luckily, there may be a solution. 

Woman with breast lift surgical lines drawn on chest before surgery.

Many women choose to get a postpartum breast lift. In fact, this is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures out there for women who are mothers. Since 2000, the number of breast lift surgeries has increased by 70 percent, double the rate of breast implants.

What Is a Breast Lift?

A breast lift, also known as a mastopexy, raises the breast to make it appear perkier (which is often needed after the rigors of breastfeeding). This procedure is a more natural approach than a breast augmentation and does not require the use of an implant.

Often, pregnancy can enlarge the nipples (areolas). The size and shape of your areolas can also be improved with a breast lift procedure.

What Are the Benefits of a Breast Lift After Having Children?

The size of your breasts fluctuate significantly during pregnancy and subsequently while nursing. This rapid fluctuation places strain on the tissues and skin, and, often, they do not return to their pre-pregnancy form afterward. Instead, these tissues are left to elongate and sag, leaving women with a prematurely aged breast appearance.

A breast lift can make your breasts look more youthful and perky without the need for implants. If you want fuller breasts, you can consider pairing your breast lift surgery with breast augmentation.

How Is a Breast Lift Procedure Performed?

A small incision (or set of incisions) is made on the breast. Next, excess skin is removed to tighten the surrounding tissue and reshape the breast for an improved contour. The location of your incision will depend on the extent of correction required for your desired results.

Dr. Bonaldi’s choices of incisions are as follows:

  • A donut incision runs around the outer edge of the areola for a mild correction.
  • A lollipop incision runs around the areola and down the lower breast pole for moderate correction.
  • An anchor incision runs around the areola, down the lower breast, and across the inframammary fold for a severe correction.

What Does Postpartum Breast Lift Recovery Look Like?

Most women report only mild discomfort post-surgery. Medication can be prescribed by your plastic surgeon to help manage the pain.

How Can Moms Recover Faster?

Women with children can make their recovery easier by:

  • Arranging for help with the children in advance
  • Getting assistance for household chores for your entire recovery 
  • Discussing how much time you will need for recovery with your plastic surgeon and ensuring you take the full time

Interested in Learning More?

Dr. Louis A. Bonaldi has over 30 years of experience in plastic and reconstructive surgery. You do not have to struggle with poor self-confidence when there is a solution out there. Book a consultation with Dr. Bonaldi to find out how you can get your pre-baby breasts back. Contact Bonaldi Aesthetics to book an appointment by calling 775-828-7400 or filling out this form.