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Body Lift Surgery in Reno, NV

Aging, weight fluctuations, gastric bypass surgery, and pregnancy can all affect how the body changes. These factors can influence weight, skin elasticity, and curve definition.

Body lift surgery is an ideal option for those who have loose, hanging skin that is uncorrectable without surgery. A body lift tightens loose skin and reduces excess fat to sculpt the body and restore a more attractive lower body and midsection.

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What Are the Benefits of a Body Lift?

Tighter Skin

Often, diet and exercise are not enough when it comes to tightening loose skin. While these weight loss practices can eliminate excess body fat, it cannot address skin. Body lift surgery can reduce significant amounts of excess skin while tightening the surrounding areas.

More Shapely Contours

People may feel discouraged after they lose a massive amount of weight and still see loose, hanging skin. Body lift surgery can slim and contour areas on the body like the abdomen, hips, outer thighs, and buttocks to expose your full weight-loss transformation.

Firmer Midsection

A loose or flabby midsection often makes people feel self-conscious. Body lift surgery tightens the underlying muscles and improves the contours and tone of the entire midsection. A more toned midsection can enhance your appearance in certain styles of clothing while boosting your confidence.

What Does My Body Lift Include?

Your Body Lift Consultation

Body lift surgery is an individualized procedure, so your consultation with Dr. Bonaldi is an essential part of developing and fulfilling your goals.

During this meeting, Dr. Bonaldi will:

  • Discuss your goals and expectations for the procedure
  • Evaluate your current medical conditions
  • Recommend any additional surgery that can further benefit your body lift results
  • Establish a surgical plan
  • Inform you of any steps needed to prepare for your body lift


Body lift surgery is performed using general anesthesia. An incision is made around the circumference of the waist, just above the pubic area.

Through the incisions along the bikini line, excess skin and fat are removed. The remaining skin on the buttocks and thighs is pulled upward, and the underlying tissues are tightened.
Body lift surgery can tighten the abdomen, groin, waist, thighs, and buttocks.
Once the back and sides of the body are addressed, a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) can be performed to provide additional abdominal contouring.
Here, excess skin and tissue are removed, and the abdominal muscles are tightened to create a more slender and defined waistline. Sutures are placed to secure the newly shaped contours.

What Are Your Concerns About Body Lift Surgery?


Compression garments are used to provide support and to reduce swelling after your body lift surgery. Dr. Bonaldi will give you instructions on how to care for surgical wounds.

Patients should designate a friend or family member to help them around the house for the first few weeks of recovery. Swelling and bruising can last up to three weeks, and most patients return to work within two to three weeks.


You will have noticeable scarring at the incision sites after your body lift surgery. The scars can be easily concealed by your underwear or bathing suits.

Patients can minimize the appearance of their scars by limiting tension in that area, avoiding excessive sun exposure, and applying silicone strips and scar creams.


Your body lift is customized to your specific needs. Therefore, we cannot provide you with an accurate body lift cost estimate until after your consultation.

This estimate will include anesthesia fees, facility fees, surgeon’s fees, pre-surgical tests, post-surgical dressings, and combination procedures.


Any discomfort can be lessened with prescribed or over-the-counter pain medication, such as TYLENOL®. Dr. Bonaldi will provide you with specific instructions about how to care for your incisions.

Frequently Asked Questions About Body Lift

  • Am I the right candidate for body lift surgery?

    You may be the right candidate for body lift surgery if you:

    • Are in good physical health
    • Do not have any current medical conditions that can affect your ability to heal
    • Have had a physical examination and are cleared by your primary medical physician
    • Are not using surgery as a weight loss plan
    • Do not smoke or are willing to quit for some time before and after surgery
    • Are willing to maintain your results with diet and exercise

    Dr. Bonaldi will evaluate your body and goals to help you decide whether body lift surgery is the right procedure for you.

  • What are the risks associated with a body lift?

    As with any surgical procedure, body lift surgery does come with risks. These risks include:

    • Anesthesia risks
    • Bleeding (hematoma)
    • Infection
    • Poor wound healing
    • Fluid accumulation
    • Numbness or other changes in skin sensation
    • Fatty tissue under the skin might die (fat necrosis)

    You can reduce your risk of experiencing these complications by following Dr. Bonaldi’s recommendations for recovery.

  • What procedures can be combined with a body lift?

    Body lift surgery can be performed as a standalone procedure or alongside:

  • How long does body lift surgery take to perform?

    The length of your body lift procedure will depend on the extent of skin tightening needed and whether multiple procedures are being performed.

    Generally, body lift surgery takes between four and six hours.

  • When will I see my body lift results?

    It can take up to nine months or one year for full results to become apparent. It is important to be patient during the recovery process, as everyone recovers at their own pace.

    Patients will notice a slimmer, more contoured waistline that accentuates their entire silhouette.

  • How long do body lift results last?

    Results from your body lift surgery are designed to be long lasting.

    A poor diet, additional weight gain, or pregnancies can hurt the results.

Schedule Your Visit

Bonaldi Aesthetics
Plastic Surgery & Med Spa
6630 South McCarran Blvd. Suite B20
Reno, Nevada 89509
(775) 828-7400

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